Start here for the fastest help possible.

Here's how you can get the fastest help possible, you may not even have to create a ticket or wait for a reply! Chances are, your question has already been asked and the answer is already in our knowledge-base articles. ALWAYS check the knowledgebase articles FIRST for the answers to the most commonly asked questions.

YOU MUST CREATE AN ACCOUNT AT THIS SUPPORT DESK to submit a ticket. Once you've registered, you will receive an email with your login details.

WE WILL NEVER IGNORE ANY SUPPORT REQUESTS so if you haven't received an email response from us within 24 hours please LOG BACK IN HERE at the support desk using the account details you created.

6 Important Steps For A Speedy Reply

1. Always make sure we have your FULL NAME and include your transaction ID or purchase receipt ID to avoid delays in response time.

2. Please tell us which of our products your question refers to. We have multiple products and we need to know which one you're inquiring about so that we can best assist you.  

3. Please explain in detail what you're experiencing and include any steps you've taken so that we can try to duplicate the issue ourselves.  If possible, please provide us with a screenshot and/or a video so that we can see what's happening firsthand.

4. If your question involves a problem on one of YOUR own websites please provide the exact URL of your site and login details for us to go and troubleshoot the problem. (If you don't provide access, we will not be able to assist you properly and time will be wasted going back and forth)

5. PLEASE CREATE ONLY ONE SUPPORT TICKET FOR YOUR ISSUE AND CHECK BACK WITHIN 24 HOURS FOR OUR RESPONSE. Creating multiple tickets about the same issue or adding multiple issues to the same ticket may create a delayed response time. 

6. Whitelist our email address to make sure that ticket replies don't end up in your spam folder. Do not rely on email! Always log back into the desk 24 hours after you submit a ticket to check for our reply.


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